Sunday, June 10, 2012

Class of 2002

My high school reunion took place last night. Or I think it did, because I haven't seen any proof of that yet. But if it did, I am willing to bet you anything that it was definitely not as fun as my former classmates thought it would be. Of course I didn't attend. Why would I? It's not that I believe high school reunions shouldn't exist. It's that I couldn't think of one good reason to convince myself to attend this one. Let me explain...

1- I tried keeping in touch with some of my classmates but it just wasn't meant to be. Which translates into, I actually tried but you couldn't be bothered to even call me, every once in a blue moon. What could I have to say to you people? "Hey, remember when I texted you 4 years ago? I'm still waiting for a reply." Yeah, not likely.

2- I am proud to say that the 3 people I was friends with back then, are still my friends. We talk and we meet and we make the effort which is required to keep a friendship alive. I don't need a lousy reunion to see them! I can just pick up my phone and call them! And since none of them cared enough to go to the reunion either... Well... You get the point.

3- Ten years are simply not enough for me to miss you, guys. We don't live in different cities and I might have bumped into you a couple of times in the street. Whatever. Sorry! I just don't miss you.

4- You may not have noticed but I'm not a very social or outgoing person nowadays. It would be extremely stressful for me to be with such a large group of people.

5- And also, what the fuck??? Why would you even invite me? You never really liked me! In fact, you used to make fun of me (for reading poetry in English -when you could barely understand a few Greek limericks- and dreaming of changing the world someday!), you used to bully me, for fuck's sake! And 10 years are definitely NOT enough for me to forget that.

6- It's great that some of you are married and have kids. Really, it's super-freaking-awesome! But what could we possibly have in common? Now that you are husbands and wives, moms and dads, how could I relate to you or you to me? I just don't see it.

7- Back then, I used to be all sunshine and rainbows and smiles. I have changed. A lot. You probably wouldn't like me anymore now than you did then. You might like me even less, if that is possible. (Come to think of it, I started changing around the time you started bullying me... Coincidence??? Yes, of course it is a coincidence. I don't blame you for my current state. But you were a bunch of bullies. For all I know, you still are. So, fuck you!)

8- I didn't feel like being laughed at for not having my degree yet. You graduated university and that's wonderful, yes! But I've been through some tough shit, which I really didn't want to talk about with you, and I just don't have my degree yet. That doesn't instantly make me a failure. And you wouldn't be able to understand that.

9- "Hey, Lu! Remember me! I broke your heart when we were 16!"
    "Ha ha! Yeah! Good times, man! Good times!"
     Not. Bloody. Likely.

10- To put it mildly, I don't like you. Or is that not clear enough?

Now, my Cyprus high school reunion is a completely different matter. I can't wait to see you, guys! :)