Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Life has a funny way...

Yes, life has a very funny -hilarious, even- way to present you with un-wanted information that do nothing other than puzzle you. I recently found out (without having any intention to) that my ex-boyfriend had gotten married... Why is that something I should want to trouble myself with, you ask? I have been in a serious relationship for the past five years (almost) and I admit I am very much in love with my boyfriend. So, could it be that I still have feelings for my ex? Ha! No way in hell!

It is a fact that he broke up with me and I was miserable for a while. Back then. But when I distanced myself from the incident, I realised that I had absolutely nothing in common with that person and that, ultimately, I was young and quite stupid when I met him. Is it mean to say that after all this time? I don't think so. If I'd known then what I know now... I'm ashamed to say I wouldn't have bothered.

I called my friend to provide her with that piece of unnecessary information and I laughed while doing so. Why did I laugh? Why was that my genuine and unpractised reaction to the news of his wedding? That is the point of this confession.

People break up every day. Some of them never speak again. But some of them manage to remain friends. Do they have a secret they're not telling us? How do they manage? If there's a secret, please, let me know. Because I think it's a damn shame that I couldn't find it my heart to be glad for this man that I once loved. Or even be angry or... I don't know... Feel something, anything! Is it right to feel blank about someone?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

After watching "Orphan"

Thank God that it was ladies' night at our local cinema and I only payed half the freaking ticket!!!!!!! I don't usually discard movies like that but seriously... I was bored out of my mind!

I expected something better. I haven't seen a really good horror film in ages (actually, since The Others) and I was quite excited. To tell the truth, it wasn't a complete dissapointment. It had its moments. I will distinctly remember (and probably quote) a certain funny line ---->
Kate: Fuckin' spend some time with her,then.
John: A'ight, bitch.
It's out of context here but seen in the movie, it was worth a laugh.

There were one or two suspenseful scenes (mostly concerning whether someone would die or not) and also fairly good photography. At times....... But as a whole? Let's not exaggerate. This film is mediocre, predictable and I strongly suggest that you wait for the dvd.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

When it comes to my cat...

I have a thing with ugly creatures... Mainly because I think it's my obligation to love them, since no one else will. Don't get the wrong idea, I like cute creatures too. But the ugly ones really blow my mind away!!! And that was the reason I chose her. She was the smallest, skinniest, ugliest little thing and she was extra weird too! Just my kind of cat. She looked like a small, cross-eyed werewolf at first, to be honest, and I thought we'd get along just fine. Imagine my surprise when she transformed...

... into this!

I keep telling her, even to this day "You were supposed to be ugly and horrible!" but somehow I know, she couldn't care less. It would be a lie to say I didn't like her anymore. Still, I feel like she tricked me into taking her home with me. She tricked me into loving her and now she's got me wrapped around her paw!

God, I love that cat... :)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Welcome all!

In case you have somehow ended up here, I welcome you! This is my first attempt at blogging and I may not be so good at it. Let's give it a try though. I blame my friend's boyfriend for incouraging me to do this and if anyone has any complaints... well, track him down and make him pay!!! ( Oh, Stavro, you are so getting a link for this!!!!!! And hopefully, not many death threats along with it... )

Now, if you are wondering about the name ReallyBadWolf, that means you haven't watched enough Doctor Who. I have and you will realise I am somewhat obsessed with it. ( If you have though, do tell: Series 9- 10, bad or good? What do you think? Eccleston or Tennant? ) There will possibly be entries entirely devoted to The Doctor and that's the only reason why I'm going to stop talking about it now. Moving on...

This might bore you to death but I feel like sharing with the world, so deal with it! :)
I'm really excited because I recently did the english sublitles for a short length film a friend of mine ( Artemis Samothrakis ) made. It's called "Attempt" ( Απόπειρα, for greek readers ) and it's about the attempt ( who would have figured that one out, right? :P ) of two people to start over, give their relationship another try. To tell you the truth, I have always heard about Artemis's work through others and I wasn't really convinced that he had what it takes to be a director. ( Sorry, sweetheart!!!! ) But I felt very, very, very stupid when I first watched this film! The guy is actually talented! I don't mean to seem extremely surprised, if that's how it looks to you...

This is not the official poster, mind you. I made this, and although both Artemis and I agreed that it was too dark, I have grown fond of it. Since I made it... And everything I create is close to -if not- perfect. :) :) :)

And if you decide to stick with me through my endless rumbling, you should know, there may be excessive use of smileys and sarcasm... Hope to see you again, soon!


Here's Artemis's link, follow it!!!!