Thank God that it was ladies' night at our local cinema and I only payed half the freaking ticket!!!!!!! I don't usually discard movies like that but seriously... I was bored out of my mind!
I expected something better. I haven't seen a really good horror film in ages (actually, since The Others) and I was quite excited. To tell the truth, it wasn't a complete dissapointment. It had its moments. I will distinctly remember (and probably quote) a certain funny line ---->
Kate: Fuckin' spend some time with her,then.
John: A'ight, bitch.
It's out of context here but seen in the movie, it was worth a laugh.
There were one or two suspenseful scenes (mostly concerning whether someone would die or not) and also fairly good photography. At times....... But as a whole? Let's not exaggerate. This film is mediocre, predictable and I strongly suggest that you wait for the dvd.
I expected something better. I haven't seen a really good horror film in ages (actually, since The Others) and I was quite excited. To tell the truth, it wasn't a complete dissapointment. It had its moments. I will distinctly remember (and probably quote) a certain funny line ---->
Kate: Fuckin' spend some time with her,then.
John: A'ight, bitch.
It's out of context here but seen in the movie, it was worth a laugh.
There were one or two suspenseful scenes (mostly concerning whether someone would die or not) and also fairly good photography. At times....... But as a whole? Let's not exaggerate. This film is mediocre, predictable and I strongly suggest that you wait for the dvd.
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