Thursday, May 24, 2012

What up, bitches?

Yeah, I don't want to rub it anyone's face or anything but I'm going to London tomorrow! :)

And I'm going to see John Simm perform at the Crucible and Harry's going to be there and fun is going to be had! You might even say, it's going to be legendary... (It's Barney Stinson Appreciation Week! Deal with it!)

Word of the day: jubilant.


Friday, May 18, 2012


One of my most used nicknames. It's not such a big secret anyway. So I'll tell you what it means.

Hyalma means "seashell".

In Quenya.

Because I'm a dork.

There you have it.

(It might be a good day to ask me questions. I seem very eager to let secrets spill today. If you have a question, any question, I will answer it.)

Not yet

We're not done yet, buddy. I'm not asking for fifteen more years. Just... Not yet. Alright?

Monday, May 14, 2012

Lack of sleep

Once again, I can't sleep. I tossed and I turned and my boyfriend kept gritting his teeth in his sleep and that didn't help at all! So, since there's no one here to talk to, what else could I do but write a completely pointless -and maybe slightly annoying- blog entry? Yay for you and me as well! Yay for all of us! (Are you beginning to understand just how pointless this is? Hmm?)

Why can't I sleep, you ask? Because of various reasons. Which I will explain. Yes, I will. But first, let me show you this fanvid I made!

(Loki/Tom Hiddleston may be partially to blame for my lack of sleep. Partially. Because sometimes, when I close my eyes, his grin pops up into my head and it makes my veins tingle and my heart beat faster and who could sleep while feeling so excited?)

Now, where was I? Oh, yes! The reasons! I'll tell you all about the reasons. First of all, know that I love sleeping. Seriously, if it was possible to sleep for a whole week, I would do it. That's how much I love it. But you see, I have a brain which never rests. NEVER. As soon as my head hits the pillow, my brain starts whispering to me about things I've done in the past, embarassing or mean, it doesn't matter. My brain whispers and drives sleep away. Then, my stomach starts aching and I end up looking at the ceiling, sighing as my eyes refuse to shut. You can't imagine how frustrating that is, needing to rest but being unable to! In case you can imagine or actually know what that feels like, well, doesn't it suck???

When I was younger, I used to make up stories about myself or imaginary people when I went to bed, so I could relax and have nice dreams. And it used to work. But now? Pffft! The story evolves and I have to follow it, see where it will lead. Sometimes, it even takes months to reach an end to one story and then, I just begin another! Because no matter how much I need to sleep, the need to create a story is stronger than anything. 

One more thing that can successfully keep me up is noise. In general, I enjoy noise, cars speeding by, dogs barking... Noise is a sign of life, noise is good. But there are certain noises which aren't as comforting. Like, someone trying to pick a lock. The lock of my door. There's no one there, of course. No one is trying to get inside my house but BAM! I'm wide awake and if my ears could stretch, they would be doing that very thing. There's no one there, there's no one there, there's no one there...

And the teeth gritting my boyfriend does EVERY FUCKING NIGHT is killing meeeee! (I get crazy when it comes to teeth because I like mine so much. It's not that they're special or anything. I just like them and want to keep them intact forever.) But seriously, you guys! It's like he's chewing rocks! Next to my ear! It's unbearable! And it makes me want to smack him right in the face! He doesn't deserve to be smacked, of course, so what do I do? I get up, go to the kitchen, drink some water and OH MY GOD I CAN STILL HEAR THAT HORRIBLE SOUND!!! How does he even do that??? I can still hear it from here, at the other side of the house! I swear, if he wasn't so perfect, I would be using my pillow to suffocate him right now...

There are also times when I can't sleep for no apparent reason at all. My brain decides to black out and there's no Loki and no story and no guilt and no burglar. But I can't do it. I can't sleep. I just lie there, blinking. And blinking. Aaaaand blinking. Still blinking. The sun rises, a new day begins. Fuck this shit! I'm going to make some coffee!

Have a nice day! :)

Friday, May 11, 2012

Do we really have to go through this again?

This morning started out badly. I woke up because I felt itchy all over, due to mosquito bites. Mosquito bites make me extremely cranky! For some reason, I decided to check my Facebook, which is something I rarely do in the mornings. Facebook... Where I saw this.

Are you fucking kidding me??? NO! NO! Bad humans! Baaaaad!

Seriously, what is this? I don't know if I should be angry or amused. I'm leaning towards angry of course, but sometimes, stupidity can be a source of amusement. Before I begin one of my lovely rants, let's take a look at the definition of marriage by Merriam - Webster, shall we?

1 a (1) : the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law (2) : the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage  
b : the mutual relation of married persons : wedlock 
c : the institution whereby individuals are joined in a marriage

2 : an act of marrying or the rite by which the married status is effected; especially : the wedding ceremony and attendant festivities or formalities

3 : an intimate or close union 

And even if that isn't enough for you, know this. Definitions are made by people. The definition of something can be altered through the course of time, as it should. So keep up with the times, people! If you prefer thinking like a moron from the Dark Ages, that's your business but please, let the rest of us evolve as a species! You're holding us back! We want to move forward! Forward!

As you know, people are allowed to comment on pictures on Facebook. That, of course, isn't always a good thing because some people shouldn't be allowed to use neither speech nor writing as a means of communication. Some people should be handed a fur skirt and a bat and sent back in time, hunting dinosaurs, where they so obviously belong!

Stupid bimbo says:
What the Bible says about Homosexuality: "That is why God abandoned them in their inmost cravings to filthy practices of dishonouring their own bodies - because they exchanged God's truth for a lie and have worshipped and served the creature instead of the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen."

(You  do realize that the passage you're quoting isn't exactly about homosexuality, right? Right? Right???)

Stupid bimbo also says:
Are you an instrument of God or. Instrument of homosexuality? There is no between.

(That's it? These are my only two options? Because here I sat, thinking that I was a person, just a person, who wants to be treated fairly and treat others fairly as well. This matter has nothing to do with God, stupid bimbo! It has to do with people and their feelings and their rights! So, if I must absolutely choose between the two, I guess I am an instrument of homosexuality. In the sense that I want homosexuals to be treated equally and not discriminated against, then yes, I am an instrument of homosexuality. Hey, God, sorry! No hard feelings, huh?)

Normal-looking person says:
Heck NO!!!Life is about being happy! So if 2 men are happy together then let them be, it's the same with 2 women. We are not here to judge others and their way of life. I don't care what you think or what you have to preach about the bible. The main thing God wants from us is to live our lives happy! Everyone should be treated equally, and not be constantly put down by our peers and family members.

(Finally, a ray of light! I was beginning to think there weren't many of you out there!)

Super-Christian-I'm-Gonna-Save-The-Crap-Out-Of-You-Whether-You-Want-To-Be-Saved-Or-Not-woman says:
Amen cause God didn't make Adam & Steve or Eve and Eve!

(This thing about Adam and Eve has got to stop! Don't you know that the story of Adam and Eve is a cute myth some people thought of, so that they could explain their own existence before science came into the picture? That's exactly what it is! A myth! Treat it as such! Adam and Eve never existed, unless they were a couple living in a cave, freezing side by side, because fire hadn't been invented yet! Get over it already!

And you may discard my opinion as nonreligious but that doesn't instantly make me Satan or one of his followers. It just seems that my God and your God are two entirely different entities. Mine happens to be a nice one, whereas yours happens to be a tormenting figure, made out of spite and crazy rules. Also, there are other religions besides Christianity out there which you should respect. Because that's what Christianity teaches. Respect and love. But I guess those two concepts are lost on you, aren't they?)

Extremely sarcastic person says:
Let's bring back the Inquisition! That was Christianity at its finest. Christian laws were inforced!

(This person should be given an award! He made me laugh sooo hard, I thought my ribs would crack! Give him an award, I say!
He was being sarcastic. I checked his other comments too. Sarcasm at its best.)

I guess what I'm trying to say is, leave gay people alone... Accept them. Let them get married! Let them raise children! Let them live their lives! Don't make them feel like they're some higher being's mistake! All this gay hate is getting out of hand. My faith in humanity is fading fast, so please, please, please, stop this nonsense and prove me wrong! Show me that you -we- are better than this! Please...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I see Russia, I see Latvia!

Yes, that's right! I check my stats and I see you! So, I have a favour to ask of you lovely Russians and Latvians! If you can take some time and translate this song for me, it would be great! I keep listening to it and I love it, but I have absolutely no idea what it's about! Can you do this little thing for me? Please?

And also,  Prāta Vētra (or Brainstorm, as they're known to us) rocks! :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Writer's Log: Day 9

He says (again) that it's not his fault. It's never his fault. It must be my fault then (again)... He's safe in the knowledge that I will gladly accept the blame (again). I've been raised to do so, after all! It's only logical! And I'm an idiot because I get some sort of sick pleasure out of it, making others feel happy and safe, while neglecting to do the same thing for myself. Like a Mother Teresa syndrome but not quite.

I know a thing or two about nightmares and the people that cause them. I know how it feels, wanting to sleep but being afraid to close your eyes. I know all about guilt. About things you've done or wish you had. And I know perfectly well that, even though I am my own worst enemy, my personal hell is other people and the disappointed looks they give me. They all disappoint me but God forbid I do the same to them! Well, you know what? I'm done!

I will write some magnificent poetry (even if no one ever reads it) and I will allow myself some pleasure, not the sick kind, no, the real kind! And I won't care about what he says or doesn't say, and he can fuck off for all I care! And I won't think twice before eating chocolate! No, sir, never again! And all this love I have inside my heart? You don't want it? Your fucking loss! I'm better off without whatever it was you thought you were offering me. You almost convinced me to stop writing, you pathetic little cockroach! Go back to your tiny desk and your "perfect" life while I write about how sorry I feel for you! I DON'T NEED YOU or your criticism which is not constructive AT ALL! Worthless? Maybe I am. But you're not fit to judge me.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


The love! The love that is oozing out of every pore of my skin right now (and will probably continue oozing for at least 48 hours) is unbearable! I could very well describe my feelings about this movie using very eloquent expressions, such as aaaargh and blargh, because I am, in fact, speechless! (A very rare phenomenon but it is known to happen from time to time.)

Can I be allowed to live in the Marvel universe? Like, in a corner or maybe in a cave? (On second thought, not in a cave... Bad things usually happen in caves, so let's avoid them.)

As you can tell, I finally saw THE AVENGERS FUCK YEAH IT WAS AWESOME I CANNOT BELIEVE HOW AWESOME IT WAS! This is the title which you will use to refer to this movie from now on and I don't want to hear any objections! And this is my review! You can all go to hell, I have no words! Except... I love Tom Hiddleston! That's all. Have a nice day! :)