Saturday, May 5, 2012


The love! The love that is oozing out of every pore of my skin right now (and will probably continue oozing for at least 48 hours) is unbearable! I could very well describe my feelings about this movie using very eloquent expressions, such as aaaargh and blargh, because I am, in fact, speechless! (A very rare phenomenon but it is known to happen from time to time.)

Can I be allowed to live in the Marvel universe? Like, in a corner or maybe in a cave? (On second thought, not in a cave... Bad things usually happen in caves, so let's avoid them.)

As you can tell, I finally saw THE AVENGERS FUCK YEAH IT WAS AWESOME I CANNOT BELIEVE HOW AWESOME IT WAS! This is the title which you will use to refer to this movie from now on and I don't want to hear any objections! And this is my review! You can all go to hell, I have no words! Except... I love Tom Hiddleston! That's all. Have a nice day! :)

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