Friday, May 18, 2012


One of my most used nicknames. It's not such a big secret anyway. So I'll tell you what it means.

Hyalma means "seashell".

In Quenya.

Because I'm a dork.

There you have it.

(It might be a good day to ask me questions. I seem very eager to let secrets spill today. If you have a question, any question, I will answer it.)

2 claims:

Μικρός Μπετόβεν said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

οκ....where the fuck is the inbox???

PS: εκανες Quenya!!??!!!! ΑΑΑΑΑ, παραδίδανε μαθήματα στης Ψυχης τα Λαμπυρισματα, στον Ν.Κοσμο, οτι κι αν ηταν αυτο, αλλά δεν ειχα χρόνο στο Λυκειο γκαμοτεεεεν!!! Τι αλλα ξερεις??? mellon

Lu said...Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

@Μικρός Μπετόβεν
We seem to have lost the inbox... Twitter, perhaps?

(Μόνη μου έκανα, αλλά τα περισσότερα δεν τα θυμάμαι τώρα, δυστυχώς!)