First of all, there's this video, KONY 2012. It's all over the internet and you absolutely must watch it! I already knew about these things happening but I never had a name or face to link them to. I'm not upset about this video; I believe it's a good way to raise awareness. But I am upset about the situation it describes and I think it's about time we take action.
And I'm also upset about this.
A law against promoting homosexuality? Are people out of things to ban that they have to outlaw homosexuality??? Listen to this: "The law - passed in a third and final reading with 29 parliamentarians in favour and five against - makes it illegal to spread “propaganda” among minors aged under 18 in favour of homosexuality and paedophilia." (source) Since when does homosexuality weigh the same as paedophilia??? Paedophilia is a crime! It means that a young child is forced to have sexual relations with an adult! You can't put those two in the same category!
Vitaly Milonov -who is an undecover fascist, if you ask me- said "I have not heard a single word in this law that is not in line with Russian laws". It violates civil rights, you ass! It outlaws freedom of speech! As far as I'm concerned, they just stuck paedophilia in there just so people will be reluctant to go against this stupid, stupid law! He goes on to add "Homophobia is a term thought up by people of untraditional sexual orientation about people who do not understand the way in which they live". Really? Are you serious, you awful, tiny person? I'll give him credit for one thing though. He says "untraditional" instead of "unnatural".
Truth is, I don't personally know any gay people so I can't pretend to know what they go through. But I believe that none of them are trying to "promote" homosexuality. Asking to be treated equally as straight people, is that propaganda? Asking to be allowed to marry their partners, is that propaganda? Asking to live their lives in peace, IS THAT PROPAGANDA? And after all the hatred they've had to suffer, you're taking their voice away, as well??? At least there are people like Tatyana Lokshina who still use their brains. "If Russia considers itself a democratic country committed to law and human rights, if Russia really considers itself to be a part of Europe, there should be no such law either on the regional level or, of course, on the federal level" she said. (source)
Sometimes, I look at people and I think "Fuck 'em! Just give up on them. They're not worth it." But some of them are worth it and that's why it breaks my heart to see them acting like cavemen, drawing on walls and clubbing each other's head over who gets to sit closer to the fire pit! Can't we just be nice to each other? Have we lost the ability to care? I haven't. Not yet.
Based on the stats of my blog, I know people from Russia stumble upon it, every once in a while. And some from Africa too. I want you to know, you have my support. There's not much I can do but I'm trying.
(Where is the love, people?)
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