Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Stop it!

Ok, so.. The BBC announced that the Doctor will be getting more than twelve regenerations. Why are you freaking out??? I accept the fact that the limit of regenerations has been set in the classic series but there's nothing wrong with the show adapting a little, according to the wishes of many of us. After its success, is it that much of a surprise really? I don't believe this small change will wrong the show in any way. Seriously, I don't see it. How much damage could it possibly do? What if the limit had been set to five? Would you have gladly missed the next Doctors, simply because of a minor detail that IS NOT SET IN STONE?

(I miss you...)

If you really want to get technical, try to remember my favourite rule of all times "The Doctor lies". And he does so, brilliantly.

P.S: Extra regenerations don't equal immortality. That would elevate the Doctor to the level of god, instead of the semi-god he is currently.