Sunday, February 10, 2013

A bit repetitive, aren't I?

So, ok! I know I've said this before and my lack of confidence must be getting to you, people kind enough to follow and read my blog... But I swear, I mean it this time and I'm not going to second-guess myself again! Concerning the matter of writing at least.

Let's face it, I'm a writer. I tried really hard to deny the fact, tried to change it but nothing worked. Perhaps I'm not that great a writer but here's hoping that will change, in time! Instead of trying to run from myself, I'm going to do what I can to get my work published. Because, let me tell you, I'm tired of having to conceal that part of me, I've had enough. If you think it's funny, go ahead and laugh. I can't blame you. Hell, I may even join you! Let's all laugh at me!

Are we done laughing now?

I'm a writer. You won't hear me deny it again. And if you do, you have my permission to call me a jerk and slap me. Do we have a deal?

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