Monday, August 5, 2013

Hello, Doctor!

Good news, everyone! We know who the new Doctor is! Will be. Is. Whatever. Big ball of wibbly wobbly...

                                                                   Peter Capaldi!

Can you tell that I'm excited? No, you probably can't and frankly, I'm too much of a snob to fill this text with exclamation marks, so my word will have to do. I'm excited. Even though his name had come up several times in discussions concerning the new Doctor's identity, I was pleasantly surprised, when it was announced officially. There were reasons to doubt he would be chosen but I'm glad those reasons have been dismissed and I am looking forward to seeing what mr. Capaldi will do with this character. He's a charming man, a great actor and if I have to use a sword in order to defend his name, by the gods, I will!

"Too old"? Too old for what? "Not hot enough"? Ha ha ha. Ha.

FIRST OF ALL, 55 is not too old. Sure, if you're 15, it may sound a bit old, definitely older than you but it won't be long before you find yourself approaching that age and when that happens, you are not going to like people saying you're too old. If you're going to judge an actor by his age and not the quality of his work, feel free to never watch the show again. No one's forcing you. You little shits. The same thing applies to the matter of his looks. By which I mean, THEY DON'T FUCKING MATTER. Just because you don't think a person is attractive, doesn't mean everyone agrees with you. My eyes happen to find this man pleasing to look at, but even if my eyes thought differently it still WOULDN'T MATTER. His job isn't becoming your latest crush. So suck it up.

(Ahem. I was informed that I should retract my previous statement. You are not little shits and I shouldn't have said that. Ageist pricks...)

In this post, I will conveniently neglect to discuss the subject we all know needs to be dealt with, which is how the show has deteriorated in terms of writing. These are happy times and I refuse to let anything spoil that for me. I hope we can all unite in our mutual love of the show and enjoy the good stuff. Yay, good stuff!

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