Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Angels Take Manhattan

Not too crazy about the intro. It wasn't bad really, not bad. It got the job done, it's just that I am too bitchy. If you asked me what sort of intro would be better, I wouldn't know how to answer, so let's just leave it at that, ok? (I enjoyed the detective's accent though, yes, I did.)

"Why is it smiling?" 
Because fuck you, that's why.

The Weeping Angels have, once again, become the creepy monsters I like so much. That was refreshing because I wasn't that fond of the Angels as they were portrayed in "The Time of Angels" and "Flesh and Stone". For me, the fact that you don't see the Angels move and then suddenly, they're in your face, was a major turn on and I felt like that was taken from me in those two episodes. But all is well, creepy status restored. The giggling sound of baby Angels, I could have done without, but that didn't bother me as much as THE FREAKING STATUE OF LIBERTY taking a stroll around the city while nobody seems to notice! Seriously, you'd think that if Lady Liberty decided to come to life, there would be one or two screamers! I won't even mention the fact that this particular statue IS NOT MADE OF STONE! Huh, I guess I did mention it, after all... Oh, well. In general, Angels, good, yes yes, I like, more, please! 

I thought the Doctor was a bit useless in this episode. It was more like, he was the only one in the group who knew how to drive and that's just what he did. He took people places and let them do their thing. He left the coming up with a plan part to anyone who was willing to do it. He didn't bother worrying about how to save Rory, even though he promised Brian that he wouldn't let anything happen to the Ponds. He just sat there. "I'm sorry, Rory, darling, but I can't be bothered." Whereas... Amy decides to follow Rory? I will do anything to make her stay! Bad Doctor! Baaaad! And we don't rip pages out of books! Stop acting like a spoiled brat! 
It was good that he didn't magically solve the problem with a flick of his sonic screwdriver though.

AND WHY DID THAT AWFUL GUY ORDER RORY TO BE THROWN TO THE BABEEEHS? You're not a collector, mister, you're a prick. You should have died. I'm glad your precious vase broke. I'd dance on its pieces if I was there.

Amy was her usual self, which is alright, I suppose. I'm not sad to see her go. It's not that I hate or dislike her, she's fine but I never "fell in love" with her. But Rory... Oh, Rory, Rory, Rory!

I have a thing for cute, goofy boys. But what I loved the most about Rory is that he evolved as a character throughout the series. From being a lovesick puppy that followed Amy around, he became a badass, ready to go to war and save his family. From being scared and playing it safe, he went to "Yeah! Yeah, let's go and see what time and space has to throw at us! It's dangerous and scary but I like it!"

(The shit he went through... *sigh*)
He shouldn't have gone that way. He should have had a brave exit, a great last line, not a question mark over his head! Was that the proper way for the last Centurion to go? I don't think so! And why the fuck did Amy get to write that corny note? She'd already said goodbye! Pointless, completely pointless. Completely. Pointless.

And so, the Ponds are gone. I have no tears to shed. I cried for Donna but I couldn't cry for them. It may or may not have something to do with Tennant, but who knooooows... (It definitely had something to do with Tennant.) I'll probably miss them, sometimes. Mostly Rory. Oooooh, Rory! But I'm ready for the next companion. Who I already don't like but I don't like the current Doctor much anyway, so I guess it's fitting...

Bye-bye, Ponds! You're better off. Who knows what Moffat might have come up with in order to torture you, if you'd stayed?

Moffat! Hey, Moffat! Do the "Doctor Who?" joke one more time. One. More. Time. I dare you.

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