Maybe reading too many romantic stories while listening to soft music can screw with a person's head. Add a cup of hot chocolate to that mixture and what you get is me; emotional and romantic me. Enjoy this because it happens every once in a blue moon and it never lasts long. So, what do you say, you and I have a chat about the nature of romance? Hmm?
Now, by definition romance is "a romantic spirit, sentiment, emotion or desire". But what is romance really? What does "being romantic" mean? Is it hearts floating around your head or stars twinkling in your eyes? Is it reading poetry to your loved one over home-cooked dinner and a glass of wine?
Let me tell you, being a girl doesn't mean that I've been dreaming about prince charming my entire life. Because that guy can take his white horse and shove it! Who is it that feeds little girls with the notion that they must be saved by a man that will appear to them showered in light (sparkling even- damn Twilight to hell!), a man bearing gifts such as red roses and chocolates? What's wrong with daisies? What's wrong with being simple and sincere?
Grand gestures are all fine and dandy. In movies or in books. In real life, they just make me want to burst into laughter. Don't get me wrong, if your guy does all those romantic, corny things simply because he happens to like it, that's ok. But going over the top just for the sake of romance is a big waste of time. I will admit that I've had a boyfriend who wrote me poems. But that guy was a poet and that was the only way he could express himself. I have kept those poems and sometimes I read them and smile and it makes me feel special, not because someone wrote me a poem but because they were a declaration of love and I'm glad to say I've been loved.
Yes, reality sucks and we should do what we can to make it more tolerable. In a normal, sane way. Don't start screaming at your boyfriend if he forgets your anniversary or if he doesn't give you jewelery. The best gift I ever got from my boyfriend was a book. I know, I'm odd. It was a book I've been waiting for months to come out and dig this: it was the hard cover edition! Orgasmic joy!
Romantic things my boyfriend does:
- He always makes me coffee in the morning. (He's the only one that can make it just perfect.)
- He says I look good in anything. (And actually means it.)
- He is the one that breaks the silence after a fight.
- He buys me stupid memorabilia he knows I'll like. (Like that sonic screwdriver!)
- He lets me buy books when he knows I have nowhere to put them.
- He lets me sleep with a light on.
- He listens to me while I talk about good looking men.
- He likes my friends.
It's the little things that make "romance". Don't discard the little things. They can make a mundane situation, trully spectacular.
Well, my chocolate is almost completely gone... I leave you with wishes for a great New Year. And remember... Don't make any resolutions you don't intend to complete! :*
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