Christmas is coming up and I've been thinking and thinking about what presents to get for everyone. It's easier with some people. My sister and best friend are getting jewelery this year. My dog will get a big bone. But some others... like my mom... yeah... Not so easy. She's the kind of person who insists that you should have saved your money in order to buy nice things for yourself. And I'm the kind of person who always wants to pick the perfect present so for me, it's kind of a buzzkill.
If you're having a hard time deciding what to get for your friends and family, here are some suggestions! (that may or may not induce a heart attack)

I don't know who might be happy receiving that for Christmas. Or any other occasion, for that matter. Who would need something like that? Seriously. But I bet you, this present would be a very fun topic for a cheerful, Christmas conversation!
(found at http://www.humor-articles.com/funny-christmas-gifts/)
Important note: Do NOT buy this for dad!

I don't know about you guys, but I think this is very, very cool! Grow your own snow! Aren't you tired of wishing for "a white Christmas" and getting sunshine instead? Now, you can laugh in the face of God and exclaim "Fine, I'll do it myself!". It's not a wish come true; it's science! (Order it here----> http://www.stupid.com/Grow-Snow_p_728.html. Or not. Whatever...)

Do you sometimes find it hard to keep the faith? Or is there an atheist in your close environment that you want to punch right in the face? Once again,there is a solution to what may have seemed like an unsolvable problem! Believe in God Instantly Spray! Keep the Christmas spirit alive in EVERYONE'S hearts! (Also found at http://www.stupid.com/Believe-In-God-Instantly-Spray_p_197.html )

Now, this one would be perfect for my boyfriend. He has this awful alarm clock that makes the most horrible noise and the best part is, it doesn't even wake him up! There may be people driving by our building, wondering what is making that noise but he sleeps soundly right next to it, while it causes me a headache! Let him chase this one around the house and see how he likes it! http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000PWLTNA?ie=UTF8&tag=weirdcomweird-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B000PWLTNA

Another great present. Mostly for yourself though. Doesn't every woman wish to know what's in a man's mind? Now you'll know, because you put it there! http://www.totally-funky.co.uk/PROD1495/Control-A-Man-Remote
There's also a female version. http://www.totally-funky.co.uk/PROD1496/Control-A-Woman-Remote
What's that, honey? A sandwich? Coming right up!
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