Given the fact that I probably have the best boyfriend in the world, I shouldn't be messing with this subject. It's not that we never-ever fight because that wouldn't be normal. (After all, men are from Mars, aren't they? And women are... awesome.) But this is not about the "serious" stuff we fight over, like "This is MY muffin, damn it"! It's more about the things that we can't ever agree on, even though I am the one who's always right.
1. Lady Gaga

Let me clarify that I'm not a huge fan of Gaga. I do happen to like a couple of her songs though and I believe she's very clever in using her image to promote her work. My favourite song of hers is "Electric Kiss" which was written and performed before she was Lady Gaga as we now know her.
She has a very nice voice and is a talented song writer. But my boyfriend insists that she is a terrible, terrible singer and that she is ugly (which was never the point anyway, because judging a singer by his/her looks is just stupid!) No matter what I have to say on the subject, he can't be persuaded otherwise.
2. The undeniable hotness of Alan Rickman

I swear, there are times I believe my boyfriend doesn't know the meaning of the word "charming"! The other day, I got nostalgic and being the fangirl that I am, I started watching tribute videos of Harry Potter on YouTube. I came across a couple that were about Severus Snape and I remembered how much I loved the character and the actor as well and when I love someone so much I tend to make sounds like "Aghhh!" or "Blurrrrgh!". Well, my boyfriend said he couldn't understand how I could possibly find Alan Rickman attractive! I can't even begin to explain! There are no words! HE'S ALAN RICKMAN, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! Do you seriously expect me to justify this???
3. Sphynx cats
He hates them. I adore them.They are unique and odd and the lack of fur is a major plus. I keep begging and begging for one. He keeps looking at me like I'm an alien. I threaten that I will kick him out if he doesn't get me one and he laughs.
4.Onion in souvlaki

There is no other way to eat souvlaki! What is wrong with my man????
And I could go on and on of course, because despite our similarities we are different people and that's what ultimately makes a relationship work.
What are your arguments with the opposite sex? Let me know so I can support you (if you're a girl! :P) !
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