But there was this one guy (I shouldn't have watched that movie either but to be completely honest, blood and guts never freaked me out, not even when I was a kid)... His name was Alex James Murphy. And if you don't know I'm talking about Robocop, then shame on you! Robocop was one of my most beloved characters. I mean comics, cartoons, movies, the whole package!

As the superficial being that I am, one of the most basic reasons why I chose him was all the space inside his thighs. My Barbie dolls would fit in there perfectly! Any of my toys really. But since I wasn't a total moron, I loved him for other reasons as well. Dying to protect the citizens of Detroit City(which I'm told has it worse than the movie in terms of criminal activity, although I don't know how that's even possible) was not his only heroic act. Even after death (not death, technically) he goes on protecting the innocent. That's one of his prime directives: protect the innocent. As for the bad guys? Kill them dead!
And besides the "all cops are bastards" argument, how can you not love Robocop? He has a face, for goodness sake! A face that can smile! And you can chop him to bits, scatter him all around town, Robocop don't care! Robocop will kick your ass! Robocop rules! My young self also thought, I would look so awesome wearing a wedding gown, standing next to him in church. Because, clearly, the wedding would take place in a church, unlike the one with Optimus, because he just wouldn't fit inside a normal sized building!

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