Here we go then... Number 1 on my list: Optimus Prime!

What's not to love about Optimus Prime? Even as I tend to relate to the villains most of the time, this is one good guy I adored almost instantly. First of all, he's blue and red which were my favourite colours at the time we "met". He's made of metal therefore he's strong. He is also huge, a trait which would make everyone tremble and not attempt to even imagine to hurt me, Mrs. Prime. Granted, kissing (which is as far as little girls are willing to go, in terms of physical affection, besides holding hands) would be out of the question but as long as I would be allowed to sit on his shoulder, everything would be fine. Plus, I would never need to buy a car! And because I don't know how to drive, he could handle that part too!

Optimus Prime is the leader of the Autobots (leader, oooh fancy!) yet, he's very humble. He is very serious but also friendly and cheerful. Kind and dedicated, he deserves every bit of respect he gets from his team. He's powerful, wise and compassionate and what's even better, he's not one of those mean type aliens that want to destroy Earth along with its inhabitants. He wants to protect us humans (and especially me, or so I would tell myself, since I was planning to marry him.). All in all, he's awe-inspiring. Of course, I knew that a "man" as wonderful as him would never want to marry an insignificant, little girl like me... *sigh*
Things he said that made me jump around the room in excitement:
"Sometimes even the wisest of men and machines can be in error."
"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
"As long as power flows through any of my circuits, Megatron, I'll fight you."
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