Sunday, March 25, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
Future husbands- Number 2
Optimus Prime wasn't the only "man" made of metal I loved. Admittedly, there were few of them. C-3PO was one of them but I never aspired to marry him. He was just a fling. And after The Terminator (I shouldn't have manipulated my mother into letting me watch that at the tender age of 9) I kinda gave up on robots. Seeing them move gives me goosebumps, even to this day.
But there was this one guy (I shouldn't have watched that movie either but to be completely honest, blood and guts never freaked me out, not even when I was a kid)... His name was Alex James Murphy. And if you don't know I'm talking about Robocop, then shame on you! Robocop was one of my most beloved characters. I mean comics, cartoons, movies, the whole package!

As the superficial being that I am, one of the most basic reasons why I chose him was all the space inside his thighs. My Barbie dolls would fit in there perfectly! Any of my toys really. But since I wasn't a total moron, I loved him for other reasons as well. Dying to protect the citizens of Detroit City(which I'm told has it worse than the movie in terms of criminal activity, although I don't know how that's even possible) was not his only heroic act. Even after death (not death, technically) he goes on protecting the innocent. That's one of his prime directives: protect the innocent. As for the bad guys? Kill them dead!
And besides the "all cops are bastards" argument, how can you not love Robocop? He has a face, for goodness sake! A face that can smile! And you can chop him to bits, scatter him all around town, Robocop don't care! Robocop will kick your ass! Robocop rules! My young self also thought, I would look so awesome wearing a wedding gown, standing next to him in church. Because, clearly, the wedding would take place in a church, unlike the one with Optimus, because he just wouldn't fit inside a normal sized building!

But there was this one guy (I shouldn't have watched that movie either but to be completely honest, blood and guts never freaked me out, not even when I was a kid)... His name was Alex James Murphy. And if you don't know I'm talking about Robocop, then shame on you! Robocop was one of my most beloved characters. I mean comics, cartoons, movies, the whole package!

As the superficial being that I am, one of the most basic reasons why I chose him was all the space inside his thighs. My Barbie dolls would fit in there perfectly! Any of my toys really. But since I wasn't a total moron, I loved him for other reasons as well. Dying to protect the citizens of Detroit City(which I'm told has it worse than the movie in terms of criminal activity, although I don't know how that's even possible) was not his only heroic act. Even after death (not death, technically) he goes on protecting the innocent. That's one of his prime directives: protect the innocent. As for the bad guys? Kill them dead!
And besides the "all cops are bastards" argument, how can you not love Robocop? He has a face, for goodness sake! A face that can smile! And you can chop him to bits, scatter him all around town, Robocop don't care! Robocop will kick your ass! Robocop rules! My young self also thought, I would look so awesome wearing a wedding gown, standing next to him in church. Because, clearly, the wedding would take place in a church, unlike the one with Optimus, because he just wouldn't fit inside a normal sized building!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Future husbands- Number 1
Little girls usually dream about the men they're going to marry when they grow up. They make plans, fantasizing about the event, about what their wedding gown will look like... It's somewhat of a hobby really, which fades away around adolescence and since it's harmless, I don't see any reason to criticize it. I was a little girl once. But a fairly odd one... I need to point that out because I will be posting about each one of my "future husbands", explaining why I wanted to marry them and I wouldn't want you to think I'm crazy. Because you will. You see, I never wanted Prince Charming, galloping to my rescue with his blond hair shining under the sun! I wanted a badass! Someone that would roar or growl or something like that, someone who would sweep me off my feet, yes, but in a passionate way, someone I could have adventures with! Someone exciting! Someone... out of this world, wink wink, you must be getting it by now.
Here we go then... Number 1 on my list: Optimus Prime!

What's not to love about Optimus Prime? Even as I tend to relate to the villains most of the time, this is one good guy I adored almost instantly. First of all, he's blue and red which were my favourite colours at the time we "met". He's made of metal therefore he's strong. He is also huge, a trait which would make everyone tremble and not attempt to even imagine to hurt me, Mrs. Prime. Granted, kissing (which is as far as little girls are willing to go, in terms of physical affection, besides holding hands) would be out of the question but as long as I would be allowed to sit on his shoulder, everything would be fine. Plus, I would never need to buy a car! And because I don't know how to drive, he could handle that part too!

Optimus Prime is the leader of the Autobots (leader, oooh fancy!) yet, he's very humble. He is very serious but also friendly and cheerful. Kind and dedicated, he deserves every bit of respect he gets from his team. He's powerful, wise and compassionate and what's even better, he's not one of those mean type aliens that want to destroy Earth along with its inhabitants. He wants to protect us humans (and especially me, or so I would tell myself, since I was planning to marry him.). All in all, he's awe-inspiring. Of course, I knew that a "man" as wonderful as him would never want to marry an insignificant, little girl like me... *sigh*
Things he said that made me jump around the room in excitement:
"Sometimes even the wisest of men and machines can be in error."
"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
"As long as power flows through any of my circuits, Megatron, I'll fight you."
Here we go then... Number 1 on my list: Optimus Prime!

What's not to love about Optimus Prime? Even as I tend to relate to the villains most of the time, this is one good guy I adored almost instantly. First of all, he's blue and red which were my favourite colours at the time we "met". He's made of metal therefore he's strong. He is also huge, a trait which would make everyone tremble and not attempt to even imagine to hurt me, Mrs. Prime. Granted, kissing (which is as far as little girls are willing to go, in terms of physical affection, besides holding hands) would be out of the question but as long as I would be allowed to sit on his shoulder, everything would be fine. Plus, I would never need to buy a car! And because I don't know how to drive, he could handle that part too!

Optimus Prime is the leader of the Autobots (leader, oooh fancy!) yet, he's very humble. He is very serious but also friendly and cheerful. Kind and dedicated, he deserves every bit of respect he gets from his team. He's powerful, wise and compassionate and what's even better, he's not one of those mean type aliens that want to destroy Earth along with its inhabitants. He wants to protect us humans (and especially me, or so I would tell myself, since I was planning to marry him.). All in all, he's awe-inspiring. Of course, I knew that a "man" as wonderful as him would never want to marry an insignificant, little girl like me... *sigh*
Things he said that made me jump around the room in excitement:
"Sometimes even the wisest of men and machines can be in error."
"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
"As long as power flows through any of my circuits, Megatron, I'll fight you."
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Writer's Log: Day 8
A love built in words
And rhymes
Tied together by a green ribbon
left on my desk;
I refuse to acknowledge you
And I refuse to remember
And most of all
I refuse to let you win
Because if I untie the ribbon
And read your poems
I think my heart will break again.
That doesn't mean I love you still,
After all these years
But oh, you know how words affect me
And your words carry so much guilt.
Is it childish?
It could be...
But I think it's time I admitted it:
You were my first love.
And you are old and timeless,
And every time I look at you,
We are young again
And you hang up the phone,
Every time
Every time
Every time
I want your words.
Re-arrange them,
Change their meaning,
Turn back time,
I won't let go of your hand
And I will let you kiss me
And perhaps,
I'll be a better person
For having held on to you
And your poems
And your definition of love.
(This poem was also posted here where I write under the nickname of Hyalma. I think I'll let you know what "Hyalma" means. Eventually.)
A love built in words
And rhymes
Tied together by a green ribbon
left on my desk;
I refuse to acknowledge you
And I refuse to remember
And most of all
I refuse to let you win
Because if I untie the ribbon
And read your poems
I think my heart will break again.
That doesn't mean I love you still,
After all these years
But oh, you know how words affect me
And your words carry so much guilt.
Is it childish?
It could be...
But I think it's time I admitted it:
You were my first love.
And you are old and timeless,
And every time I look at you,
We are young again
And you hang up the phone,
Every time
Every time
Every time
I want your words.
Re-arrange them,
Change their meaning,
Turn back time,
I won't let go of your hand
And I will let you kiss me
And perhaps,
I'll be a better person
For having held on to you
And your poems
And your definition of love.
(This poem was also posted here where I write under the nickname of Hyalma. I think I'll let you know what "Hyalma" means. Eventually.)
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
What's your sign?

Let me tell you, right now, I do not particularly care about zodiac signs and horoscopes although I do ask people what their signs are when I first meet them. I find it is a good way to begin a conversation whether the other person(s) believes in that astrological mumbo jumbo or not. It's an easy enough question and it does "break the ice" quite efficiently. I seldom read my horoscope and when I do, it's because I just happened upon that section in a magazine or newspaper. That said, I don't know what possessed me to check out my zodiac sign today... Did it happen by accident? Did I have nothing better to do? I honestly have no idea!
Never in my life will I accept that the position of stars and planets at the moment of one's birth has any effect on their character. I am willing to go as far as believing that it may affect them in a more subtle way and I can't really explain how... After all, humans are a part of nature and it only sounds reasonable that we affect nature and vice versa. But aren't we unique, each and every one of us, even when we have things in common? Aren't we complex and odd and wonderful? Can a chart based on our date and hour of birth really reveal our entire personality to another human being? I don't think that's possible. Do you?
Even with my firm belief in the absurdity of zodiac signs, I was a bit surprised when upon reading an analysis (if you could call that an analysis) of the Capricorn woman, I saw too much of me in the description. It is purely coincidental, of course but worth mentioning, I should think. As I've said before, I know my flaws. And they were all there. That was a reason to keep reading. (Anyone can tell you good things about your person to keep you interested in what they have to say but it takes a true master to get you to pay attention when they're not being kind.)
"The swings in mood are not the only reason some Capricorns deserve the adjective based on their name - capricious. They can be surprisingly and suddenly witty and subtle for the quiet, reserved individuals they seem to be, and they also have a tendency to ruin things by unexpected and utterly irresponsible bouts of flippancy." (Yes, I do have that tendency. More often than not. And as for the mood swings... You wouldn't want to be there when they happen.)
"Their intellects are sometimes very subtle. They think profoundly and deeply, throughly exploring all possibilities before deciding on a 'safe' alternative. They have good memories and an insatiable yet methodical desire for knowledge. They are rational, logical and clearheaded, have good concentration, delight in debate in which they can show off their cleverness by luring their adversaries into traps and confounding them with logic." (You may argue that this isn't a flaw. Let me correct you. This trait can ruin relationships. It has.)
"In their personal relationships they are often ill-at-ease, if not downright unhappy. They are somewhat self-centered but not excessively so, wary and cautious around people they do not know very well, preferring not to meddle with others and in turn not to allow interference with themselves, thus they tend to attract people who do not understand them. Casual acquaintances they will treat with diplomacy, tact and, above all, reticence. They make few good friends but are intensely loyal to those they do make, and they can become bitter, and powerful enemies." (Yes, yes and yes. And that causes extreme loneliness. Sometimes by choice, true, but mostly, because of my inability to interact with others.)
-Knowing what you discuss
-Wild Schemes
-Go-nowhere jobs
source: Astrology Online
Based on this, you have gained knowledge about some parts of my character. But can you claim that you really know me? Do I even really know my self? And would I know you, if I looked up your sign?
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

First of all, there's this video, KONY 2012. It's all over the internet and you absolutely must watch it! I already knew about these things happening but I never had a name or face to link them to. I'm not upset about this video; I believe it's a good way to raise awareness. But I am upset about the situation it describes and I think it's about time we take action.
And I'm also upset about this.
A law against promoting homosexuality? Are people out of things to ban that they have to outlaw homosexuality??? Listen to this: "The law - passed in a third and final reading with 29 parliamentarians in favour and five against - makes it illegal to spread “propaganda” among minors aged under 18 in favour of homosexuality and paedophilia." (source) Since when does homosexuality weigh the same as paedophilia??? Paedophilia is a crime! It means that a young child is forced to have sexual relations with an adult! You can't put those two in the same category!
Vitaly Milonov -who is an undecover fascist, if you ask me- said "I have not heard a single word in this law that is not in line with Russian laws". It violates civil rights, you ass! It outlaws freedom of speech! As far as I'm concerned, they just stuck paedophilia in there just so people will be reluctant to go against this stupid, stupid law! He goes on to add "Homophobia is a term thought up by people of untraditional sexual orientation about people who do not understand the way in which they live". Really? Are you serious, you awful, tiny person? I'll give him credit for one thing though. He says "untraditional" instead of "unnatural".
Truth is, I don't personally know any gay people so I can't pretend to know what they go through. But I believe that none of them are trying to "promote" homosexuality. Asking to be treated equally as straight people, is that propaganda? Asking to be allowed to marry their partners, is that propaganda? Asking to live their lives in peace, IS THAT PROPAGANDA? And after all the hatred they've had to suffer, you're taking their voice away, as well??? At least there are people like Tatyana Lokshina who still use their brains. "If Russia considers itself a democratic country committed to law and human rights, if Russia really considers itself to be a part of Europe, there should be no such law either on the regional level or, of course, on the federal level" she said. (source)
Sometimes, I look at people and I think "Fuck 'em! Just give up on them. They're not worth it." But some of them are worth it and that's why it breaks my heart to see them acting like cavemen, drawing on walls and clubbing each other's head over who gets to sit closer to the fire pit! Can't we just be nice to each other? Have we lost the ability to care? I haven't. Not yet.
Based on the stats of my blog, I know people from Russia stumble upon it, every once in a while. And some from Africa too. I want you to know, you have my support. There's not much I can do but I'm trying.
(Where is the love, people?)
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Word of the day (And a bonus rant!)
Favour (noun). approving attitude; good will. act performed out of good will, generosity, or mercy.
c.prejudice and partiality; favouritism.
d.a condition of being regarded with approval or good will (esp in the phrases "in favour", "out of favour").
e.Archaic leave; permission.
f.a token of love, goodwill, etc.
g.a small gift or toy given to a guest at a party.
as defined in The Free Dictionary.
Now, let's focus on definition b... As in, "Can you do me a favour?" "Sure!". Doing me a favour means you are willing to do something I asked you to do, in the way that I want it to be done. How can I make it more clear ? Let's see...
-I really hate to ask you this (mainly because I know you're going to give me such a hard time afterwards!) but will you drive me and my dog to the vet? She's having surgery.
-Hmph... Fine, okay...
-Why, thank you! (I don't drive so I'm genuinely grateful.)
Two days later (day of surgery)...
-Ask the vet if we can go a couple of hours earlier than planned.
-Sorry, he says it's not possible.
-FUCK! You really fucked up my plans for the day, you know that? FUCK!
-Ok, I'll see if I can find someone else to drive me.
-No! I'm driving you but FUCK! I'm yelling in your ear to demonstrate how angry I am! Of course I'll drive you and also, yell at you the entire time! FUCK!
Did you think for a second that doing me a favour should be pleasant and convenient for you? That's not how it works! If that was the case, then I'd be doing you a favour! Next time, just say "fucking no" from the start ! Don't yell at me on the phone or in person, simply because you had things to do but failed at scheduling them properly. I told you I needed your help TWO DAYS AGO! Figure something out! I can't plan your day for you!
And it's not even considered a favour anymore! It was torment! As if it wasn't enough that I was worried for my dog! I also felt guilty for messing with your plans (Plans? Ha!) even though your behaviour was both insulting and infuriating!
You know what? You won't have to say "no" next time because I'll simply never ask you for anything AGAIN! At some point, you'll be crying, begging to do me a favour and I'll just say "No, thank you." because you made so much fuss, it was unbelievable! Twenty freaking minutes in the car and I felt like blowing my brains out!
Still, thanks. (You ass.) approving attitude; good will. act performed out of good will, generosity, or mercy.
c.prejudice and partiality; favouritism.
d.a condition of being regarded with approval or good will (esp in the phrases "in favour", "out of favour").
e.Archaic leave; permission.
f.a token of love, goodwill, etc.
g.a small gift or toy given to a guest at a party.
as defined in The Free Dictionary.
Now, let's focus on definition b... As in, "Can you do me a favour?" "Sure!". Doing me a favour means you are willing to do something I asked you to do, in the way that I want it to be done. How can I make it more clear ? Let's see...
-I really hate to ask you this (mainly because I know you're going to give me such a hard time afterwards!) but will you drive me and my dog to the vet? She's having surgery.
-Hmph... Fine, okay...
-Why, thank you! (I don't drive so I'm genuinely grateful.)
Two days later (day of surgery)...
-Ask the vet if we can go a couple of hours earlier than planned.
-Sorry, he says it's not possible.
-FUCK! You really fucked up my plans for the day, you know that? FUCK!
-Ok, I'll see if I can find someone else to drive me.
-No! I'm driving you but FUCK! I'm yelling in your ear to demonstrate how angry I am! Of course I'll drive you and also, yell at you the entire time! FUCK!
Did you think for a second that doing me a favour should be pleasant and convenient for you? That's not how it works! If that was the case, then I'd be doing you a favour! Next time, just say "fucking no" from the start ! Don't yell at me on the phone or in person, simply because you had things to do but failed at scheduling them properly. I told you I needed your help TWO DAYS AGO! Figure something out! I can't plan your day for you!
And it's not even considered a favour anymore! It was torment! As if it wasn't enough that I was worried for my dog! I also felt guilty for messing with your plans (Plans? Ha!) even though your behaviour was both insulting and infuriating!
You know what? You won't have to say "no" next time because I'll simply never ask you for anything AGAIN! At some point, you'll be crying, begging to do me a favour and I'll just say "No, thank you." because you made so much fuss, it was unbelievable! Twenty freaking minutes in the car and I felt like blowing my brains out!
Still, thanks. (You ass.)
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