My mind cannot grasp the reasons behind all the negativity surrounding that oh, so hated matter of gay marriage. Growing up, I was always told that people are equals and that I should respect other people's rights. And not selectively. Every and each one of their rights. Such as, their right to live. I never questioned that. Nor did I ever question their right to love. Who decides that someone's rights are invalid in the case they are homosexual?
Before one of you clever people decides to answer "Jesus", let me tell you, although I'm not a really religious person (not anymore, at least), I don't remember any teachings of Jesus-da man- involving gay hate. And I can't, for the life of me, believe that Jesus Christ himself would support hatred of any kind! "Love thy neighbour" is what Jesus taught and he didn't specify "unless he's gay; then shoot the bastard".
Now, the argument of "not believing in the gay lifestyle" is complete and utter crap! They never asked you to believe in their lifestyle! The only thing gay people are asking is for you to let them live their freaking lives as they see fit! You don't have to be gay in order to respect the people who are! Respect doesn't involve you liking the way others do things but just accepting that they have the right to do it! (With a few exceptions; you're allowed to freak out if someone starts killing people. No respect for that.)
And another thing, while we're at it. Why shouldn't gay people be allowed to adopt? Really, why??? I don't get it. Is it because they might raise a child that will turn out to be gay as well? So fucking what? What's the problem with that? Let me ask you a question. Which is worse: having a gay child or having a child with a terminal illness? If you'd go for the first option, then get the hell away from my blog! Seriously, just fuck off! A friend argued that's it's very easy saying all those things, until your own child comes out and tells you that he or she is gay. You are supposed to love your children no matter what or who they are. If you can't do that, you're not a very good parent, are you?
Maybe I'm not the hero type; fighting for something, for me, is restricted to writing about it and talking about it and trying to prove to others why I am right about it. You may argue that I'm a coward. I don't know. But GAY RIGHTS ARE CIVIL RIGHTS! Being homosexual doesn't make anyone less human. Gay people deserve better treatment and they deserve to get married if they want to! And I'll keep writing about it as long as I have to.

2 claims:
Those homosexuals are a disgrace, I wonder why they don't shoot every one or their queer arses. And the lesbians. Oh, no, not them. The bi, tho. And the trans, oh yes, all of them. And the q and the i, what are those even...? They sound like something in Math :P
Yes, God forbid something happens to the lesbians! :P
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