I often wonder, how it feels to be old... What must one be thinking once they start hearing worse or seeing worse and having to take more pills than you can count? How does it feel to want to do things but being unable to? Or is it that you're just not motivated to do those things anymore? Is it nature's way to make you say goodbye to life, one lousy step at a time? Or is being old simply a state of mind? Are we actually as old as we feel?
Because in that case, I'm screwed! I've been feeling old since I was 19! Remembering to take my meds is something I've had to do since I was a kid and I certainly lack that oomph! that makes other people my age want to conquer the world. But I'm not old. I like my music as loud as humanly possible and I don't need to use a cane in order to walk. (I'm getting my oomph back though; myself and I came to an understanding.)
So... If I'm that way now, at 27, how will I be when I turn 70? (If I ever make it that far anyway.)

I'll probably be like that lady over here. No. I will definitely be like that lady.
Screw you, life! I'm not going down so easily!
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