Ooookaaayyyyy... It's been a while since I let myself look up theories about Amy's pregnancy and what happens next. I learned my lesson. There are people out there... Mean people. People that SPOIL it for me. I was looking at a picture from "The Doctor's Wife" on the Doctor's facebook page (for which I am providing the link, here it is------->http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=227036410643727&set=a.182096918471010.52777.127031120644257&type=1&ref=nf). Now, look at the bottom of the picture. It says that the episode is on soon on BBC America which means that a lot of people hadn't actually seen it at the time the picture was uploaded. Try to count the morons that posted comments on the picture like "It's the TARDIS" or simply just "TARDIS". Morons!!!!!! You are fans of a TV show that has been warning you about spoilers for about two seasons now!!!! Well, I stopped looking at pictures too. It won't be long before I cancel my internet connection if this kind of idiocy goes on. For crying out loud, people!!!! NO SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Having said that, there may be spoilers up ahead, so watch it. I have warned you and it's your choice whether to go on reading or give it up right now and go back to whatever it was you were doing before you stumbled upon this blog. Sooo... What a brilliant season it's been so far! Great villains that Silence! Although, I must admit, a monster that I can forget as soon as I turn my back to it doesn't seem so scary. But try turning your back on the Weeping Angels! Huh? Would you do that? I didn't think so.
Idris was positively adorable!!! As were the Gangers, in my opinion. Except when Jen's mouth started looking like the pit of Hell and then when she turned into a monster and... Let's just say, I didn't really find Jen that great. Any version of her. But I really-and I mean REALLY- love Rory!

I can hardly wait for the next episode!!!!!!!!!! I think we'll be shocked. I sincerely do. In all fairness, I am already shocked. Amy is having a baby???? What the hell? And Cybermen? Yay!!!!
Oh! Who can tell me why the message was interrupted? And what do we do now?
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