I have my mind set on not giving away too much, in case someone that will but has not yet been to the exhibition drops by. But here's a warning for potential SPOILERS!!!!!!! That's right, there may be SPOILERS ahead. You have been warned, okay? Let's move on.
Seeing as we were staying in Earl's Court, just a few metres from the station to be exact, getting to Olympia 2 was easy and it was a very short ride. That was good because I could barely contain my excitement! We got there alright and we were greeted by a very friendly doorman who directed us to the elevators and told us that the TARDIS was waiting on the second floor.
The second floor was filled with buzzing insects, also known as children, that despite their excitement, managed to behave and were not annoying. The fact that there were so many children there made me wonder if I was acting my age, but the theme from the show brought me to my senses! (If you believe that the presence of children may bother you, try booking tickets for 1 o' clock or later.)
Now, our group consisted of adults, not too many but enough to fit inside a small room with a screen that was showing the trailer for the new season. When the trailer was over, the screen was split in half and we were told to STEP THROUGH THE CRACK IN TIME (!!!!!!!) that brought us to a museum.
And that's all I'm saying! Sorry! I think it's crucial that you don't know what you're going to see and I'm glad that the only video of the experience I found on YouTube didn't show that much. All in all, it was one of the best days of my life because I was inside the Tardis!!!! And the exhibition part was very good too but I wish they would have included the Weeping Angels and maybe the Vashta Nerada. That's all! :)
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