This is the second time that I can't come up with anything nice to post here. Nothing funny, nothing witty, nothing. There are definitely some issues in my head worth talking about, but I am unable to discuss them. I've been terribly busy, crying my eyes out for the last two days so you should cut me some slack! My dog died. He was a really good dog. I know every pet owner says that about their pets but this particular dog was one of the best, if not THE best! Have a look at some of his photos and let me go back to crying like an idiot.

4 claims:
what a beautiful dog,im so sorry :/
Well, that's life, right?
How lucky you were to have a little doggy parthner. I'm sure you made his life as good as it could be.
@Μικρός Μπετόβεν
We definitely did the best we could.
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