(You don't have to read this if you don't want to. It's just me, metaphorically yelling some things at people who don't have the slightest idea about how much they frustrate me. I have told them nicely, I have literally yelled at them, the only thing that's left for me to do, is actually draw them a picture of myself, erupting like a volcano. Maybe then they'll figure it out.)
Number 1:
You are always being a little bitch about how nobody asks your opinion before doing something but let me tell you, you are the master of doing that very thing! Not everything in the household revolves around you and your plans. We don't need to ask you before inviting someone over, the same way you never asked us. So get over it! (And also, most of your friends are jerks. Having them around is not a pleasure. We've had to bite our tongues many times and I, personally, would be a happy individual if I never saw their stupid faces again.)
Number 2:
Stop calling me. I don't have much to say to you. Just stop.
Number 3:
I hate having to kick you out of my house but I see no other way of stopping your constant criticism. I am not you. I do things differently. If you could get that in your head, we would get along just fine. Really, I love you but you make me soooooo mad!!!
Number 4:
Did I mention that I'd like you to stop calling me?
Number 5:
Your obsession with going to the doctor is starting to look very much like, you know, an obsession. I fucking sneezed! I don't need to see a doctor to tell me I'm allergic to spring! Why don't you go to the doctor? Ask him to take a close look at your brain? I think it may be malfunctioning.
Number 6:
I am NOT, I repeat, NOT pregnant!
Number 7:
Seriously, stop calling me.
2 claims:
Maybe because you like Doctors but no one can tell when you say it, because speech that is not written cannot indicate when a letter is a capital or small, so "Doctor" becomes "doctor". Now edit your post and add a number 7: "You need to stop mentioning The Doctor every day" :P
@Harry Victor Saxon
I, most definitely, will not stop mentioning the Doctor! :P
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