Let me explain that I don't hate this particular day, nor am I fond of it. I feel equally bothered by it whether I'm single or not. Not single, currently, and I'm already extremely annoyed by the countless wishes for a Happy Valentine's Day on both Twitter and Facebook! To be fair, I generally don't enjoy being wished a happy ANYTHING. Ever. It's one of my quirks and some people find it interesting instead of obnoxious.
VDay, in my opinion, is not only a vicious scheme to make people spend money on pink stuff that will, eventually, pile up in the attic but also, a stupid trend which doesn't seem willing to fade, in spite of the vast amounts of people opposed to it. Now, I'm not ashamed to admit that as a youngster, I too, have fallen victim to this day's insanity. It's only natural for the impressionable adolescent's mind to succumb to the general idea that love should be celebrated and demonstrated on a certain date, instead of, every day, constantly, all the time, even if it wears you out! I am a great supporter of the all-consuming love, the kind that is almost painful and makes you want to swallow up your loved one, devour him/her completely and let yourself be devoured by them! I believe in the love that burns you, chews you up and spits you out! And this kind of love has no place in a world where chocolates and teddy bears are offered as a token of it. This kind of love, REFUSES to take part in VDay's celebrations.
Nonetheless, not wanting to be a total buzzkill, I have decided to share with you, my most favourite lovesongs of all time. Be warned, they are mostly about unrequited or lost love! If you can't stand it, avert your eyes(and ears).
I've been listening to this song for about two days now. My ears aren't bleeding and I'm not bored. This means it's a good song. Enjoy!
I love how this song implies that there can be some sort of grace in a break-up, despite the pain and anguish! I've only had one of those but that's simply because most of the guys I've broken up with, were jerks and couldn't give me a good enough reason for breaking up with me. Mind you, when I break up with someone, I'm the embodiment of grace and dignity. Brilliant, I am!
Maybe this one shouldn't be here, mainly because I don't like blowing my own horn. I made this video, you see. Shot and edited by yours truly! A cover song by my mate, George ! A wonderful song which describes exactly how I envision the notion of love. I mean, to the dot!
Van Morrison is a god! I have nothing else to add to that.
Do I really have to explain myself?
This last one, isn't one of my favourites but there's a very good reason why I chose to include it here. You see, my best friend Laura is now officially engaged and this is my way of saying "Congratulations" without having to face her and make her feel uncomfortable by my own awkwardness on the matter of engagement and marriage and all that. We will meet later in the week, of course but for now...
Laura, you've found a good man to give your hand and heart to. He will make you happy. (Because, you know, if he doesn't, I will kick his ass!) You will make him happy too, you can't help but be a source of joy for the people around you. I've known you almost all my life and even though I suspected this day was coming, I wasn't really prepared for it. I'm shocked, really! I feel as though a part of you will be taken from me and that's a little bit sad but at the same time, I know you will be taken care of, you will be safe and loved for the rest of your life and that's wonderful. Always remember that I love you, although I hardly ever say it and I wish you all the best.
P.S: Don't cry!
As for the rest of you, celebrate love every day. Let it consume you. Let it be the most important thing in your lives. Let it move you and inspire you. Or else, don't even bother with it.
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