Maybe you have someone close to you who is infected by Twilight-mania. Maybe you don't. Either way, you may have heard about "Breaking Dawn: Part 1" coming soon, to a theatre near you. People, more specifically, teenagers, are getting excited and sometimes hyperventilating from anticipation.
I intend to go and see the movie, but only if my boyfriend agrees to come with me. Wearing his "Buffy staked Edward" t-shirt. I will admit that I, too, fell victim of the whole Twilight hysteria when it was only just beginning. However, being a logical creature, I knew from the start what it was that caused my addiction. It was Robert Pattinson. I blame him for everything! Had it been someone else instead of him, I wouldn't have bothered reading the books or seeing the films. Now I'm glad that I did, because I have formed my own opinion and I can share it with the world! (The world being anyone who may read my blog.)
Let me tell you right now, I have no intention of judging Meyer's style. It appeals to people so that means she's doing something right. Writing books for teenagers isn't a bad thing. When I first started reading (I was about 5) I didn't choose Nietzsche to begin my journey into literature. You start by reading something light and then you proceed to the heavy stuff. True, by the time I was in highschool I had moved to poetry but sometimes it's good to read something less "demanding".
There is, however, a great flaw in Breaking Dawn. I'm sorry but I have to point it out. In most of the book, you are watching your beloved characters prepare for a great battle and you keep smirking because, damn it, I don't care how hot Michael Sheen looks as a vampire, the Volturi are evil and they need to get their asses kicked! So, what does Meyer do? She keeps talking about tactics and how dangerous this is and how the good vampires may all die and she spends too many pages on that, when she finally discovers she will have to kill one of the characters if the battle actually takes place! We can't have that, can we? What can we do instead? Hmmm....
Wait! I know! The crisis will magically go away! Yes, that sounds awesome! Except... No, it doesn't. If one thing could have saved that book... Bloodshed and ass-kicking, would be it. End of story. On the other hand, Bella actually dying could also do the trick.
The movies were all a great disappointment. With the exception of Robert Pattinson, I liked nothing in those movies. Not a thing. Hate me all you want. That Kristen Stewart fails me every time. She looks out of place, her ears pop out even behind the moss that is supposed to be her hair and she seems to be choking a whole lot. A smile on her face is indeed a rare sight and she has all the charm of a dung beetle.
Let's see what this movie has to offer. But I seriously doubt there'll be any surprises. Thank God for Pattinson (mind you, he looks a bit weird in the trailer....)!

Let me tell you right now, I have no intention of judging Meyer's style. It appeals to people so that means she's doing something right. Writing books for teenagers isn't a bad thing. When I first started reading (I was about 5) I didn't choose Nietzsche to begin my journey into literature. You start by reading something light and then you proceed to the heavy stuff. True, by the time I was in highschool I had moved to poetry but sometimes it's good to read something less "demanding".
There is, however, a great flaw in Breaking Dawn. I'm sorry but I have to point it out. In most of the book, you are watching your beloved characters prepare for a great battle and you keep smirking because, damn it, I don't care how hot Michael Sheen looks as a vampire, the Volturi are evil and they need to get their asses kicked! So, what does Meyer do? She keeps talking about tactics and how dangerous this is and how the good vampires may all die and she spends too many pages on that, when she finally discovers she will have to kill one of the characters if the battle actually takes place! We can't have that, can we? What can we do instead? Hmmm....
Wait! I know! The crisis will magically go away! Yes, that sounds awesome! Except... No, it doesn't. If one thing could have saved that book... Bloodshed and ass-kicking, would be it. End of story. On the other hand, Bella actually dying could also do the trick.
The movies were all a great disappointment. With the exception of Robert Pattinson, I liked nothing in those movies. Not a thing. Hate me all you want. That Kristen Stewart fails me every time. She looks out of place, her ears pop out even behind the moss that is supposed to be her hair and she seems to be choking a whole lot. A smile on her face is indeed a rare sight and she has all the charm of a dung beetle.
Let's see what this movie has to offer. But I seriously doubt there'll be any surprises. Thank God for Pattinson (mind you, he looks a bit weird in the trailer....)!
2 claims:
Νο! Νο Lu! No! Bad girl! Sit down! Go to your room! You're grounded!
Your poor boyfriend...
I guess I deserved that... :(
Then again... How am I going to be able to write bad reviews if I don't watch crappy films?
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