My topic today... Crushes! (As you might have guessed from the title. Or maybe you thought that it should read "Crash and Burn" and that I don't know how to spell the word. In that case, you were wrong. Ha.) To be more specific, my crushes. But you can add your own and even agree or disagree with me, in a polite comment beloooooow!!! Yes, there is always the option of disagreeing with me. I let people do that. Sometimes.
I almost forgot. The list isn't in the order of preference aaaaaand... it comes with a soundtrack. Yay! It's a cover song by my dear friend George V. and the video was filmed, directed and edited by me. I think the song is beautiful but you don't have to play it if you don't want to.
1. Gary Oldman

If you ask me who Gary Oldman is, then you must keep in mind the great possibility of my hand reaching out from the screen and slapping you across the face. "Sid and Nancy" may mean nothing to you but there's always "Leon", "Bram Stoker's Dracula" (my personal favourite) and even the Harry Potter movies. Why am I so crazy about him? I don't know. It may have something to do with those intense eyes of his or Dracula's sinister smile. All I know is, he's a fantastic actor and I adore him! I can't even count the times I've dreamt about him when I was in my teens, a time when most girls dreamt about Di Caprio or other cute boys like him. Gary has always been my soft spot. Up to this day, I get a fuzzy feeling just by looking at his picture. (I heart Gary Oldman *swoon*)
2. Matthew Perry

I will admit it. It's the wit. Mostly. It's also his eyes. And the way he moves. To most people, his moves may look awkward but to me, they look very, very graceful. Almost like dancing. But let's be honest. He cracks me up. It's true that girls like guys who have a sense of humour. (Girls who have a fully functional brain, that is. And I'd like to believe I am one of them.) You can't argue that he's cute! Cute, cute, cute, cute, cute! (Alright, I'll stop it because the levels of corniness are getting too much for me to handle. But he's cute. And witty.) I used to be so in love with him, my highschool friends still remember and make fun of me.
"It was summer... and it was hot. Rachel was there... A lonely grey couch... OH LOOK! cried Ned and then the kingdom was his forever. The end."
3. Rupert Grint

Okay, first of all. Who started this rumor that gingers don't have souls? I think it may be the stupidest thing I've ever heard! (That and that being gay is a sin.) Just look at him... The little boy wizard, Harry Potter's best friend. I just a-d-o-r-e him! I do like him better in his other movies though. And I believe he has a lot more to show us than just the flick of his wand. (Wait... Does that... sound wrong... somehow? I didn't mean it...)
4.Gerard Butler

That's the Phantom of the Opera, mister "This is Sparta". I can't seem to find the proper words to describe him right now. He is way too hot for my brain to process. The perfect conclusion to my small list... Wow... Just... Wow.
Feel free to talk about your own crush. I don't mind. (Seriously. Leave a comment. Something to show that you care. Where is the love, people?)
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Rupert Grint is so expressive, that I can fantasize him in bed doing his grimaces and still find him attractive (and cute, cool, funny, sexy, hm...)
Gerald Buttler...I just have to agree. BUT I find Clive Owen one level higher, because he hasn't been seen with blond slutties in their 20's and he hasn't let rumors arround about banging his co-star (she-who-must-not-be-named-Aniston).
Gary Oldman (with long hair) is above my humble comments.
+Alan Rickman for his class,
that guy who played Mr Darcy in the latest "pride&prejudice", (my heart sores every time)
...Reif..Pheinnes?? in "wuthering heights" & "Evgeny Onegin", oh, those eyes of his...,
Jonathan Ryes Mayers bexause blond hunks have soul,
Sometimes, Ewan McGreggor.
I should pay attention to Ryan Gosling too.
And poor Leo diCaprio, now that he has some hair in his face.
OHH, Daniel Day Lewis! He makes Irland a better place!
I'm packed now.
I don't know what it is about Clive Owen but I'm torn about him. Some times I love him but most of the time I hate him.
Why didn't I include Alan Rickman? I must have lost my mind!
Matthew McFadyen's ("Pride and Prejudice")hotness can't be denied, you are so very right!
I agree with most of your choices to be honest. :)
And there was some time that women masturbated over Russel Crowe and George Clooney. Russel Crowe WAS ok before the anger matters. But Clooney "is so deep in the closet, he finds christmas presents", as Southpark has said about another known "fudgepacker".
Mathew McFayden is the name. To masturbate over. I'm leaving now...
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