Needless to say, we kissed our vacation goodbye. But I'm not a complete bitch; I figured, since we walked out of it with our lives, what was there to complain about? Murphy's law, my friends...

Horizontal. Yeah, that's what my bottom wisdom teeth look like and let me tell you, I don't want surgery at this time in my life. I actually like my teeth and would very much like to keep them. But the dentist thinks otherwise and has casually mentioned, that my jaw bone will probably have to get broken in order for those teeth to be removed. I'm a tooth freak, if you will. I want them all in my mouth, where they belong. Apparently, I won't have my wish. Still not whining though. That's how awesome I am. (Well, not really but all things considered. I'm doing quite well on the whining scale, don't you think?)
On a lighter note, Doctor Who is back! That got some excitement from my part. It's been a good two episodes so far, right? (Spoilers ahead!!!! Beware!) I wasn't as excited about "Let's kill Hitler" but I was glad to see they didn't really focus on the Hitler part. I was thrilled that Mels didn't stick around! What an annoying companion she would make!
"Night Terrors" had a bit of "The empty child" feeling to it. The creepiness levels were very much to my liking, yes, they were! And that damn nursery rhyme has been stuck in my head for the last two days!
"Tick-tock goes the clock
and what then shall we see?
Tick-tock until the day
that thou shall marry me?
Tick-tock goes the clock
and all the years they fly.
Tick-tock and all too soon
you and I must die.
Tick-tock goes the clock
he cradled her and he rocked her.
Tick-tock goes the clock
even for the Doctor."