Getting ready for the Blue Oyster Cult gig! Woohoo! (I've always prefered the word "gig" to "concert". It sounds more fun, don't you agree?) December 12th in Athens, kind of a big thing for me. But so was Pavlov's Dog... And Alice Cooper's a couple of years back.... So? Every gig is a big thing for me! Deal with it! :)
Other than that, my birthday's coming up in less than a month. I hate birthdays! Not everyone's birthdays, just mine. But I guess I can't get out of it, so I might as well try to enjoy it... Try being the key word. It's not the year added to my age. It's the whole thing. Can't I be left alone that day of year? The answer is no. I can't. Because it's on New Year's Day and you get wishes whether it's your birthday or not. And I don't enjoy the fuss of the holiday season anyway!!!! Extra bitchy today, just for you! :P
Nevertheless, I wish everyone a good time during holidays. Have lots of food and presents and get a New Year's resolution: Save the earth, people!!!!